عنوان به انگلیسی:
Actuator management development on ASDEX-Upgrade
چکیده به انگلیسی:
In future tokamak devices, the control system will have to handle several control goals simultaneously with a
limited number of actuators in long and high performance discharges. One of the critical roles of the future
control systems will be the management of actuators, which would assign the most convenient available actuators
primarily to the control goals of the highest importance at the time. Such a system would consist of a
discharge program defining the experiment, a discharge supervisor making automatic high level decisions in real
time and a component handling the actuators at a lower level: The virtual actuator, which is a software object
responsible for distributing the controller commands to a set of selected actuators. This paper describes the
implementation of a virtual actuator for all 8 gyrotrons of ASDEX-Upgrade. We also describe the intended use of
the virtual actuator for three experiments: β control using ECRH, a disruption avoidance strategy, and electron
temperature profile control. The paper also gives an overview of future actuator management developments at
ASDEX-Upgrade: extension to all heating sources, inclusion of mirrors for ECRH, and intelligent real time distribution
of the actuators between the control goals
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